The Academy for Expository Preaching

Preaching the
Word of God

The Academy for Expository Preaching is intended to equip and train
preachers in their pulpit ministry.

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Preaching the
Word of God

The Academy for Expository Preaching is intended to equip and train
preachers in their pulpit ministry.

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The Academy for Expository Preaching overview

The Divine Call

Equipping. Refining. Igniting.

Module 1: The History of Preaching
Module 2: What is Expository Preaching?
Module 3: What is an Expository Sermon?

What is The Academy for Expository Preaching?

There is no higher calling than to proclaim the Word of the living God. The gravity of this task requires learning to preach Scripture more accurately, passionately, and effectively. To that end The Academy for Expository Preaching was founded: to strengthen God’s heralds, for God’s glory.

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The Call

Fulfilling the High Calling of Expository Preaching

The Academy for Expository Preaching overview

Fulfilling the High Calling of Expository Preaching

  • Section I
  • Section II
  • Section III

Tab 1

Section I


Lecture 1: The First Preachers

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson explores the history of preaching, emphasizing its vital importance in Christianity and tracing its roots from God to notable preachers in the Old Testament like Enoch and Moses. Dr. Lawson argues that preaching is deeply intertwined with the history of redemption and highlights expository preaching, a method that seeks to read, explain, and exhort from a scriptural passage.

Lecture 2: The Early Prophets

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson teaches the history of preaching, focusing on the role of biblical prophets such as Elijah, Elisha, and Ezra, and their significance in God’s plan. The session emphasizes the importance of standing strong in faith and preaching God’s word in a world filled with diverse beliefs and multiplied challenges.

Lecture 3: The Major Prophets

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson focuses on the history of preaching through the Major Prophets in the Old Testament, emphasizing their dual role in foretelling and forthtelling. Using Isaiah as an example, the lecture highlights the importance of understanding God’s holiness, personal repentance, and preaching both condemnation and salvation, all while recognizing the enduring and eternal nature of God’s word.

Lecture 4: The Minor Prophets

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson discusses the importance of learning from the preaching of the Minor Prophets in the Bible and highlights three common threads found in their messages: the sovereignty of God, the holiness of God, and the love of God. These elements are essential for preachers to incorporate and to create a well-rounded sermon.

Lecture 5: John the Baptist

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson discusses the importance of preaching in the New Testament, focusing on the public ministry of John the Baptist. This forerunner is described as a fiery preacher who emphasized repentance, urging people to turn away from sin and embrace Christ. He warned of the consequences of not repenting, such as God’s wrath and eternal judgment.

Lecture 6: Jesus Christ

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson discusses Jesus Christ as the greatest preacher who ever lived, emphasizing His strong teaching on repentance, regeneration, and calling for a heart religion. The lecture also highlights Jesus’ focus on the moral law and the importance of preaching to the heart in order to bring about true transformation.

Lecture 7: The Apostle Peter

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson discusses the history of preaching, focusing on the Apostle Peter’s preaching style in the book of Acts. The lecture highlights how Peter preached boldly, biblically, pointedly, commandingly, and prophetically, emphasizing the importance of delivering sermons with authority, conviction, and a foundation in Scripture.

Lecture 8: Stephen, Phillip & James

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson discusses the powerful and biblical preaching of Stephen in the book of Acts. The lecture highlights the importance of having the power of the Holy Spirit and a deep knowledge of the Bible in preaching. Dr. Lawson emphasizes the need to preach convincingly to the heart of the listener.

Lecture 9: The Apostle Paul I

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson focuses on the preaching of Apostle Paul as a significant figure in the history of preaching, emphasizing that it was God who sovereignly appointed Paul to preach the gospel. Paul’s preaching, characterized by its immediate, courageous, didactic, and bold nature, serves as a model for preachers, reminding them that only God can make a true preacher and that they must be courageous and persistent in the face of opposition.

Lecture 10: The Apostle Paul II

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson focuses on the history of preaching, specifically examining the Apostle Paul’s teachings in the New Testament. Key passages in the epistles highlight the importance of preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified with fervency, authority, and passion. This must include admonishing and teaching every person with wisdom to achieve spiritual maturity. The lecture also emphasizes the labor and striving involved in preaching, which can only be accomplished through God’s power working within the preacher.

Lecture 11: The Apostle Paul III

In this lecture on the history of preaching, Dr. Lawson focuses on the Apostle Paul and his message to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:1-5, highlighting the importance of expository preaching. Paul’s last words emphasize the urgency and responsibility of preaching the Word of God. The lecture outlines eight imperative verbs that detail how to effectively preach the Word.

Lecture 12: The Author of Hebrews

This lecture on the history of preaching focuses on the book of Hebrews, highlighting the importance of expository preaching that emphasizes the superiority of Christ, the necessity of faith, and the urgency to respond immediately to the Gospel. Dr. Lawson encourages preachers to convey the immediacy of belief in Christ and to stress the entirety of faith, engaging the mind, emotions, and will in a decisive commitment to Christ.

Lecture 13: The Apostle John

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson covers the role of preaching in the history of Christianity and the Bible, highlighting the importance of preaching in conveying God’s message. It discusses how the Apostle John, as an eyewitness of Jesus Christ, preached the Son of God, the holiness of God, and the truth of God, and how the book of Revelation emphasizes the importance of preachers and congregations in hearing and heeding God’s word.

Tab 2

Section II


Lecture 14: Expository Preaching

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson introduces the concept of preaching and emphasizes that it must be expository, meaning that it originates in the Bible and is focused on interpreting and applying Scripture. Additionally, preaching should be energetic, engaging listeners with fervency, intensity, and urgency rather than being a dry presentation of the truth.

Lecture 15: Energetic, Exergetic, Exaltational, Experiential

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson emphasizes the importance of expository preaching that is energetic, exegetic, exaltation, and experiential. Dr. Lawson highlights that preaching should focus on presenting the greatness of God, address the whole person (mind, affections, and will), and connect the ancient world of the Bible with the contemporary world of the listener, making the message relevant for daily life.

Lecture 16: Emphatic, Empathetic

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson emphasizes the importance of preaching with deep conviction and empathy, drawing from biblical examples such as Jesus and the Apostle Paul. The preacher must be both emphatic in their belief of the Scripture’s truth and empathetic towards their audience, showing genuine love and compassion in the pulpit.

Lecture 17: Edifying, Encouraging Engaging

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson continues to discuss more of distinguishing marks of biblical preaching, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of preaching. Dr. Lawson has covered nine marks so far and introduces three more in this session: edifying, encouraging, and engaging, all of which play vital roles in effective preaching that strengthens and supports the faith of the listener.

Lecture 18: Equipping, Exhorting

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson emphasizes that true preaching should equip and exhort believers, providing them with the tools they need to carry out their ministries and urging them to respond to the truth. The preacher’s role is to train, counsel, and equip believers to effectively serve God and face life’s challenges while also persuading and compelling them to make decisions and commitments based on biblical teachings.

Lecture 19: Evangelistic

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson discusses the importance of evangelistic preaching in Christianity, emphasizing that all true preaching should have a gospel component that calls people to commit their lives to Christ. This content cites Jesus’ own preaching style as the ultimate example for preachers, with a focus on repentance, discipleship, and the choice between two gates, two paths, and two destinies.

Tab 3

Section III


Lecture 20: Understanding the Parts

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson focuses on the process of preparing a biblical sermon, emphasizing the importance of understanding the various components and their relationships within a sermon. The lecture outlines the stages of sermon preparation, including acquiring foundational knowledge, personal preparation, and the evaluation of the audience and context.

Lecture 21: Knowing the Approaches

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson discusses various approaches to expository preaching, including sequential, sectional, representative, biographical, and topical exposition. Dr. Lawson emphasizes the importance of understanding the context and literary unit of the passage being preached. Likewise, this includes the necessity of reading the passage multiple times and making critical observations for better comprehension and connection.

Lecture 22: Interpreting the Text

This lecture focuses on the interpretation stage of creating a biblical sermon, emphasizing the importance of understanding the literal approach, literary genre, linguistic meaning, historical background, geographical setting, central theme, literary devices, cross-references, and authorial intent of a passage. Dr. Lawson then recommends consulting study Bibles, commentaries, and systematic theologies for further insight before crafting the sermon.

Lecture 23: Writing the Manuscript I

This lecture discusses the advantages of writing and using a sermon manuscript, emphasizing that it forces careful study, deliberate thought, and structured organization. Dr. Lawson also highlights the importance of explaining the meaning of the text, considering doctrinal and practical implications, and writing in a conversational style for the listener.

Lecture 24: Writing the Manuscript II

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson discusses the importance of creating a strong introduction and conclusion for a sermon. He outlines five things to keep in mind when creating an introduction, including creating interest and stating the main idea, and three areas to address in the conclusion: the mind, the heart, and the will. Finally, he underscores the importance of giving the sermon a strong title for identification purposes.

Lecture 25: Delivering the Sermon I

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson discusses practical guides for powerful preaching, focusing on three main points: preach with humility, preach with authority, and preach with clarity. The lecture emphasizes the importance of preaching from the authority of Scripture and being clear and easy to understand in order to effectively communicate the message.

Lecture 26: Delivering the Sermon II

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson discusses important keys in delivering a powerful sermon, including preaching with intensity, urgency, variety, and accuracy. He highlights the importance of being narrowly focused on the passage and the people, having a deep conviction in what you are preaching, and conveying a sense of urgency to the listeners. Additionally, he suggests varying your voice, vocabulary, and gestures and being mindful of choosing specific and relevant words.

Lecture 27: Improving as a Preacher

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson discusses practical ways for preachers to improve their preaching, including sitting under great preaching, listening to great preaching, reading great preaching, transcribing great preaching, learning from several preachers, and preaching as much as possible. He emphasizes the importance of continuously striving to improve, encourages preachers to diversify their influences, and to get as much practice as possible.

Lecture 28: The Final Charge

In this lecture, Dr. Lawson charges preachers to follow God’s command to Joshua in Joshua 1:7-8––to be strong and courageous, to carefully follow the law, and to not turn from it. They must preach the word of God with authority and conviction, meditate on it day and night, and be lifelong students of the word to fulfill God’s plan for success wherever they go.

your instructor

Dr. Steven J. Lawson

Dr. Steven J. Lawson is President and founder of OnePassion Ministries—and has dedicated his life to help biblical expositors bring about a new reformation in the church.

Meet Your Instructor

Dr. Steven J. Lawson is President and founder of OnePassion Ministries—and has dedicated his life to help biblical expositors bring about a new reformation in the church.


What Other Expositors are Saying about Steve Lawson’s Ministry.

RC. Sproul

Founder of Ligonier Ministries

“Like a master builder, Steve Lawson gives us the foundation of Jesus’s own words to erect a frame showing the costs, demands, gains, and losses of following Christ. In doing so, Dr. Lawson gives us a strong and firm edifice that brings glory to Him and His truth. “

Paul Washer

Founder & Missions Director of HeartCry Missionary Society

“Dr. Lawson preaches with a tenacious grip on the Scripture and a pastor’s heart that longs for the salvation of the lost and the edification of the church.”

John MacArthur

Chancellor of Master’s Seminary

“No one surpasses Steve Lawson’s ability to distill rich truths from the text of Scripture and communicate them with eloquent clarity and warm affection. In fact, Steve’s preaching, like Paul’s epistles, is full of contagious passion. His writing is notable for its compelling readability. His insights are profound and eye-opening. You will be edified and encouraged.”

Derek Thomas

Teaching Fellow at Ligonier Ministries

“Steve Lawson is a force of nature. His preaching and writing have touched tens of thousands of lives.”

Adrian Rogers

“Steve Lawson is a gifted communicator who has soaked himself in the Word of God.”

Sinclair Ferguson

Teaching Fellow at Ligonier Ministries

“Steven Lawson’s hallmark is passion for the gospel. It spills over into a contagious enthusiasm for others who share his passion.”


Enrollment Pricing

If you are not able to afford the academy, we still welcome your application. Tuition assistance may be available.

The Expositors Academy: One Time Payment


If you would like to pay for the entire course up front, this is the option for you.

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The Expositors Academy: 3 Monthly Payments


Need to spread out the cost? This plan divides the charge into three separate payments.

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If you are looking to take your preaching to the next level join The Academy for Expository Preaching today.

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Common Questions

Who is this course for?

The Academy for Expository Preaching exists to equip and refine the skill of men called by God to fulfill the lofty task of preaching. There is no higher calling than to proclaim the very Word of the living God. The gravity of this task requires that such men strive to improve their preaching of God’s Word so that they may preach more accurately, passionately, and effectively. To that end The Academy for Expository Preaching has been founded to strengthen God’s heralds, for God’s glory.

What is the timeline? Do I have to start at a certain time?

  • Yes, it is expected that you complete this program in 12 weeks. It is important for a preacher to be able to complete tasks by their deadlines. However you will have lifetime access to the content and the program.
  • The course is “self-paced” and a student can start at any time, but it must be completed within 12 weeks

Am I required to purchase any additional materials?

Yes, you will be required to purchase the following books:
1: Between Two Worlds, John Stott (Eerdmans:2017)
2: Called to Preach, Steve J. Lawson (Baker Books: 2022)
3: Preaching and Preachers, D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Zondervan 2012)

Can I access the lectures after I complete the course?

A student will have lifetime access to the content and the program.

Does The Academy for Expository Preaching require me to submit any assignments?

Yes, this program is designed to engage you and require you to complete several assignments that you will be graded on.

Those assignments include:
– Three multiple choice quizzes on the required readings
– 50 Observations of Romans 5:6-11
– A Preaching Manuscript on Romans 5:6-11
– A Recorded Sermon on Romans 5:6-11

Is there an expected time to finish the program?

Yes, it is expected that you complete this program in 12 weeks.
It is important for a preacher to be able to complete tasks by their deadlines. However you will have lifetime access to the content and the program.

What will I receive for completing the course?

All students who complete all of the lectures and assignemnts with an 80% or higher within 12 weeks will receive a signed certificate of completion by Dr. Steven J Lawson mailed to their address.

I need help logging in.

Step 1: Click here to login
Step 2: Click the Dashboard Button in the top right hand corner.

Are the videos live or over Zoom?

The Academy for Expository Preaching uses online/pre-recorded videos, not live.

What happens once I complete the course?

As soon as you have completed the entire course and all assignments with a passing grade you will receive an email confirmation that you have successfully completed the Foundations Course of the Academy. Within 30 days (international shipping may be slightly longer) you will receive a personally signed certificate from Dr. Lawson and the Academy to recognize your completion of the course.

Can I access the program in any languages other than English?

We are currently working on translating this course into multiple languages. As we finalize each language we will add that information to the website.

The videos/website are not working

If you are having problems with the videos we recomend trying a different browser please try using Google Chrome. If you you are still having issues please contact us and we will do our best to help you troubleshoot.